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STEMATHON 2022: STEM Learning in a STEM World


Time is running out to register for STEMATHON 2022 with early bird registration pricing! Don’t miss your opportunity to attend in person at Lincoln IU12 on August 4 & 5 for this year’s event. Early bird pricing is available through June 1. Register today, and invite your colleagues to join. 

Wondering what types of sessions will be offered at this year’s conference?  The theme of STEMATHON 2022 is “STEM Learning in a STEM World,” and sessions will focus on key strands including STEM Career Readiness (Career Connections & Workforce Development), Equity in STEM, STEM & CS Integration & Curriculum Development, Partnerships for STEM Success, Creative Approaches for STEM & CS Learning, and STEM Education Leadership & Change. You’ll leave inspired and informed and ready to implement practical STEM learning strategies in your classrooms! 


If you’re thinking to yourself, Hey! I know STEM! My students love STEM learning! Then you should take a few moments and submit a session proposal using this simple form. IU12 will be honored to hear your STEM stories and learn from your experiences. You do not need to be a seasoned presenter or an expert in the field. Know that as an educator who values STEM learning, you have much to contribute, and our conference will be lucky to have you! 

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