CDT Going Live August 24
As you’re stating up the 2022-2023 school year, note the following important information regarding Classroom Diagnostic Tools (CDT) updates.
- 2022-23 CDT Administration Setup will be available for districts starting August 15. This means that districts can start to upload students, rollover users, etc.
- 2022-23 CDT Assessment will be live on August 24 for districts to start administering CDTs with students.
- Setup videos and resources can be found at
- Updated resources will be available on the DRC Portal> General Information > Documents when the new administration is rolled out in August but the existing documents on the Google Site and Portal should suffice for setup purposes at this time.
- The fall 2022 CDT release includes the Desmos calculators. The PA Desmos calculator profile is live on the Desmos website at This outlines the calculators available for various grades and also lists the differences between the standard Desmos calculators and the versions of the calculators used for the Pennsylvania assessment programs. Desmos maintains an extensive Help Center. and has created quality “Getting Started” videos for each calculator.