Future Ready Comprehensive Planning Process (FRCPP) Hosting Open Office Hours
The Future Ready Comprehensive Planning Process (FRCPP) has begun hosting open office hours. These sessions will address frequently asked questions as well as an opportunity for attendees to ask questions relative to FRCPP.
Beginning February 5th, open office hours for FRCPP support will be held from 2:30 - 3:30 pm on the 1st Wednesday of each month via Teams.
Teams Meeting ID: 215 061 850 632 Passcode: jes6AG
In addition, Act 45 open office hours are also being provided. These sessions will address frequently asked questions as well as an opportunity for attendees to ask questions relative to Act 45 and the Pennsylvania Inspired Leadership (PIL) program.
Open office hours for Act 45 and PIL support will be held from 10am to 11am on the 4th Wednesday of each month via Teams.
Teams Meeting ID: 251 629 634 856 Passcode: xt627Ct6