Pennsylvania Literacy
Materials & Resources
Pennsylvania Literacy
The Pennsylvania State Literacy Plan (PaSLP) was written to provide guidance to stakeholders about their roles in developing an integrated, aligned, and comprehensive set of literacy experiences for children (birth—grade 12). Administrators and educators will find specific information about developing, implementing, and evaluating an evidence-based school literacy program. The plan also addresses the important role of literacy partners, such as parents, librarians, those who work in community agencies or businesses, and so on, who make important contributions to the development of literacy learning.
Pennsylvania State Literacy Plan (PaSLP)
Professional Learning Opportunities
2019 PA LEA Literacy Plan (PaLLP) Template
Complete PA State Literacy Needs Assessment (PaSLNA)
Partial PA State Literacy Needs Assessment
The Pennsylvania State Literacy Plan supports Pennsylvania’s comprehensive approach to improving literacy outcomes for all children.
PDE created learning paths to provide common language and literacy knowledge as a baseline of understanding for all Pennsylvania educators. Each learning path consists of a Power Point show which guides the participant through a series of activities including significant text selections, videos, and personal reflection opportunities. The accompanying journal allows the participant to record their findings either in digital or print form. All resources are embedded in the Power Point show and are also provided in the resource folder.
Options for Use: Teachers may participate in the learning paths for personal professional development. To receive Act 48 credit for a learning path, it is recommended to contact administration prior to beginning a learning path. PDE will not award Act 48 hours. It is incumbent upon the LEA to assign the appropriate hours. Administrators may use the learning paths to provide professional learning experiences for staff based on goals and established needs of students. Specific learning paths will enable educators to develop the skills and competencies to address identified needs. Administrators may assign a learning path for professional development, set expectations for accountability, and award Act 48 hours accordingly.
This Learning Path explores the Pennsylvania State Literacy Plan (PaSLP). The Pennsylvania State Literacy Plan (PaSLP) was written to provide guidance to stakeholders about their roles in developing an integrated, aligned, and comprehensive set of literacy experiences for children (birth—grade 12). Administrators and educators will find specific information about developing, implementing, and evaluating an evidence-based school literacy program. Access the course PowerPoint below.
Related Course Resources
Building Blocks of Literacy
The Building Blocks of Literacy Learning Path explores literacy as the critical foundation for all learning. Ensuring student success requires more than effective literacy materials for reading and writing. The Learning Path focuses on the key skills and components of literacy development every child needs. Access the course PowerPoint below.
Related Course Resources (Building Blocks)
The PaSLP serves as a basis for professional learning that will assist schools in developing a comprehensive, aligned, and coherent local literacy plan. The LEA Literacy Plan template offers a framework to assist LEAs in developing and implementing a local literacy plan that is aligned with the state literacy plan.
The Complete PaSLNA calls for LEAs to establish a Literacy Planning Team with representation from each of the grade spans (birth -- age 5, K -- 5, 6 -- 8, and 9 -- 12). After completing the assessment individually, the planning team will convene to discuss findings and establish consensus on the areas of strength and areas of need. This in-depth analysis will provide LEAs with the information needed to identify specific needs within a component or grade span, or identify any needs existing across the continuum. Results may show a consistent need in a single grade span (ex: 9 -- 12) or a consistent need within a component spanning across all areas (ex: transition). These findings will allow the LEA to identify priority areas for growth and intervention, when writing or revisiting their Local Literacy Plan.
The team may select to use the Partial PA State Literacy Needs Assessment to assess a single grade span and component(s) instead of assessing all grade spans and components within the Complete PA State Literacy Needs Assessment. Each team member completes the selected grade span and component(s) individually prior to meeting as a group. During the group meeting, members are encouraged to share their perspective to help the group reach consensus on each item. If a group is unable to reach consensus on an item, this may indicate that the strategies and actions are emerging but not in place consistently. This in-depth analysis will provide LEAs with the information needed to identify specific needs within a component or a grade span, or identify any needs existing across the continuum. Results may show a consistent need in a single grade span (e.g. 9-12) or a consistent need within a component spanning across all grade spans (e.g. transition). These findings will allow the LEA to identify priority areas for growth and intervention in their Local Literacy Plan.
Directions for Completing the Partial PASLNA
Step 1: Birth-Age 5
Step 1: K-5
Step 1: 6-8
Step 1: 9-12
Step 2: Total Scoring Table
Step 3: Demographic Data PaSLNA
Step 4: Student Achievement Data PaSLNA
Step 5: PaSLNA Synthesis